Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Political Aspirations

My husband is loosing patience with me.
First it was my crush on Sora. That irritated Steve a bit. Then a few days ago I admitted to him I have a crush on George Stephanopoulos. Now he's downright pouty.
I blame my professors you know. Two of them have made me watch "The War Room" in class in the past year. The first time I remember being intrigued by George. The second time I realized I have a crush on him.
My husband was very willing to accept the crushes I came into our current relationship with. He had no problem taking me to three different Goo Goo Dolls concerts so I could swoon over Johnny Rzeznik. And he certainly didn't mind watching lots of James Bond movies with me so I could stare at Pierce Brosnon and admire both his hair (it ALWAYS looks great no matter what kind of firefight he's involved in!) and the sexy way he runs.
However, my husband has strong objections to me developing crushes now that we are married.
Putting Sora aside, it's started to worry me that all the men I have crushes on lately are old enough to be my father (not healthy!) Although in my defence they're all still about eight years younger than my father. ;)
I've also started to wonder when I made the progression from crushes on rock stars and movie stars to political figures. Does this mean I'm getting older, or stranger? Or both?
I just can't help but love George! There's just something so attractive about his political savy, his dedication to the Clinton campaign in "The War Room," and his witty sense of humor in the face of adversity. And I'm a sucker for guys with dark hair.
I tried for awhile to talk myself out of it, but I just can't. He's too intruiging. So I gave in and decided to indulge my George infatuation.
It's so bad I ordered from the library his book All Too Human: A Political Education on tape, and I even made sure to get the version with HIM actually reading it. What could be better than George keeping me company in the car?
Now I'm trying to figure out how to manage fitting in watching "This Week" into my busy schedule, so I can see George on the TV as much as possible.
After all, what is a girl without an obsession?
I'm sorry Steve.
Also on a side note, James Carville looks like an older version of my friend's fiance, which amuses me to no end. So in an odd way I love him too.
Shhh! Don't tell Steve. ;)


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