I've noticed in the course of my college career here on OSU campus that in several places the words God=Santa Claus for Adults has been stenciled on the ground.
I asked my husband, a former OSU graduate, where this came from and he told me that it's done by the group "Students for Freethought."
My husband went on to explain to me his first encounter with this group. (Keep in mind this was probably about 4 years ago.) Apparently he met them one day in the oval and was intrigued by their group name. My husband initially thought they were an organization who promoted tolerance or something equally interesting.
As my husband spoke to them though, he discovered that they were the local chapter of organized atheists. This lessened his interest slightly being that he is a devoted Christian, but he continued to listen to their speech.
From my understanding of his story the way they pitched their group to him was that basically you had to believe what they believed (there is no God) and that was the only free thought they promoted. I admit I laughed after he finished the story, and didn't have a very favorable impression of the group.
This is not the end of my story though.
I found out a few weeks later that my good friend's boyfriend, Jason, is a member of this group.
Both my friend and her boyfriend are serious atheists, and both are very intellectual and excellent people. Though we disagree in fundamentals (belief in God) we concur on many other subjects. Both of them have excellent moral codes that I admire, and I care about them both very much.
So what, as a Christian, should I think?
Before finding out that Jason was affiliated with this group, my first thought was naturally jihad. But then I remembered I am neither a fundamentalist Muslim nor a warhawk. (And let's face it, the Crusades were a ridicuously BAD idea.) Come to think of it, I'm a pacifist and can't even stand the war in Iraq. So I dropped that idea quicker than a hot potato.
My thoughts after realizing Jason was a member were more reflective and less reactionary in nature.
I considered the metaphor-God as Santa. I do believe God can see me when I'm sleeping, let alone when I'm awake. I know he knows if I've been bad or good and I DO try to be good for goodness sake (and for His). Hmmmm....Santa is a happy jolly guy. Albeit his fasion sense is a little off, but I certainly believe God could be as cheerful and loving as Santa, and as strict when you are bad (although I suspect God would give me a talking to instead of a lump of coal for bad behavior). And the image of God and Santa in popular culture seem to mesh well-white hair, white beard, etc. So I suppose this is not a HUGE insult.
Discarding being up in arms and being greatly offended I now wonder, is this religious persecution?
Hmmm....well I don't think it's meant to be nice. I mean it wouldn't be very nice if I stenciled Jews=Complaint without Reason or Atheism=Anger without Cause on the sidewalk (I realize not all atheists are angry, and my two friends are certainly excluded from this fecitious remark. I also apologize for the lack of clever stencil ideas and will try to do better next time). Still, I don't suppose it's as mean as a Jehovah Witnesses telling you that you aren't one of the 144,000, or your boyfriend's roomates harassing you because you don't drink or smoke.
But it bothers me a little bit. I guess the reason why is because to me it seems like a sign of religious intolerance. I don't think it's too much to ask that atheists and others respect my faith. I grew up Mormon, so I've already dealt with a lot of harassment in my life. Yet I can still honestly say that I try to be very tolerant of other faiths. I have two atheists, a former Jehovah Witness, a Hindu, and even a pagan for friends, and I'm pretty sure they'd all be willing to vouch that I'm a fairly tolerant person who respects their beliefs. (Well maybe not the former Jehovah Witness. He and I don't really hang out anymore since he had an affair.) I don't think it's too much to ask for the same courtesy in return.
But hey, it's a free country right? I fully expect to be harassed by much more than just the sidewalk for being a Christian.
I just hope that when I get up to Heaven, God isn't wearing a red hat. ;)
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