Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Welcome and My First Rant

Welcome to my blog! The title is taken from the essay I wrote that will be my second post, but I feel it my duty to reserve a very special rant for my first post, as I can remain silent on the subject no longer.
For those of you who like Eric Clapton, I would like apologize now. I would like to, but I probably can't, because I have a bone to pick with those of you who have been floundering under what I consider one of the craziest misconceptions of all time. Let me just go ahead and say it-
"Wonderful Tonight" is NOT a romantic song!
Time after time again it appals me to watch people dance to this at weddings, proms, etc. with tearful reactions and ill-informed sentimentality. For my own personal sanity I must asume that those of you responsible have never bothered to listen to the lyrics.
If you had, perhaps you would realize that the song is NOT about how wonderful Eric Clapton thinks his lovely lady is, but about how, the drunker he gets the better she looks to him. I'm not quite sure either what is so romantic about the fact that she has to drive him home at the end of the song because he is so trashed.
Now I will admit that to many college students (and going to OSU I can speak from personal experience here) this could possibly BE the ideal of romance. But for those of use who are either too young to even be drinking legally (I can tell you for a fact that they played it at the Gahanna Lincoln High School Prom) or those of us who are past the days of throwing up in a toilet for kicks, there should not be anything romantic about this song.
This is not meant as a personal attack against Mr. Clapton himself. Although I personally do not like his singing voice, I admit that "Layla", both slow and fast versions, is an extremely catchy song, that I cannot help but sing along with "Coccaine," and that I DO in fact find his newer song "Blue Eyes Blue" particularly poetic. However, this does not excuse those of you dancing the first dance at your wedding-and you know who you are-to "Wonderful Tonight" with mooney eyes and happy sighs.
All I ask people, is that you know what you're about.
"Wonderful Tonight" is a college boy's anthem. It is not romantic.


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