Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Where I've Come from and Where I'm At

Today is a day of reflection. It's amazing the difference 9 years can make (10 sounds better but 9 is a more accurate count for the following statements)
Nine years ago I had just started dating my first serious boyfriend. Now he is married to his true high school sweetheart. I am married to an amazing man I didn't meet until college.

Nine years ago I was in high school and everything was a life or death matter. Now almost everything that mattered then doesn't matter at all. Back then I had a whole group of friends who were practically an extended family. Some of them I've kept close to me (Justin, Claire, Kim, Kari) others have drifted or violently separated from me. Sometimes I wonder how many of them ever even think about me. I used to mean so much to them. Now does it even matter I exist?

Back then I wrote silly little "plays" with characters who I joked were my multiple personalities. Now I'm almost finished with my first book, and thinking seriously about publication and other similar dreams. I had those same literary dreams back when I was 16, but now I feel like I might have the means to achieve some of them.

I guess 9 years is a long time and a lot of things are supposed to change. But sometimes it feels like these days were not that long ago. And yet in maturity and experience I feel miles away.

Then again I used to be afraid of change. Now I've at least learned when to embrace it.

And with all I feel and think I've learned I know there's still so much left for me to discover.


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